Forums - Anakaris Show all 12 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Anakaris ( Posted by dungeon787 on 08:25:2001 08:30 PM: Anakaris Im looking for a good anakaris play to suggest some new moves. My team is Anakaris(alpha), Spiral (gamma), Cable (beta or gamma depending). So my usual tactics is a kind of rush down with anakaris, using spiral assist, and the df-lk to keep poking. Also, I dont know if I am repeating previously poseted material, but I am new here and tried checking pasts posts for anakris with little success. So please also reply with pertanent threads if you know of them. My usual combos: Ground- crounching (c) c-lp,assist and c-lp, standing lk, standing hp, dash, c-lp, c-hp sjumping lp, sj-lp, snake super (back-forward punch). This does ~75-80% if you time the snakes right. The key to timing the snakes right is this: 1) use jlp,jlp (lp twice in the air) 2) immediately do the super, and the opponent should be frozen in the air about 1-3mm above you while your super manifests. 3) Push lp, hp in a 1-2 motion, kind of like drumming your finger, then wait 1/2 second and do the same motion with hk, lk. So you move in a clock wise motion, like this: 1,2...3,4...1,2...3,4.... You should get between 50 and 70 hits. Alternately you can get them in the corner with repeated c-lp,c-lk+spiral,hp..c-lp..c-lk,c-lp,c-lk+spiral, hp, repeat. Once you get them in the corner, or even without a corner, once you can get your anakaris close enough to jump and be directly above them just do a repeated poke with c-lp/c-lk to get them to bock low, call spiral, jump and dash above them, press roundhouse and immediately down-forward lk or hk to poke them with your triangle shaped ass. If they block all this, you will be on the ground and ready to repeat again. If they have a aa help or assist that prevents this you can use spiral to give you enough time to keep spitting mummy fireballs at them (fireball with kick). Lastly, if you face an oppoent you cant beat by skill there is an alternative: Simply do enough chip damage and random hits to get them down to 70-75% life. Then wait until they bring out helper to maximize effects, and do your triple team super and BUTTON MASH. The triple team super with these three, in the predescribed helper types will do 100% damage to a cable helper, and ~60% chip damage. Best of all if you start the triple team super with spiral you will end close enough to them so that if they try retaliation, especially with cable, they will only be hitting your 2 helpers, leaving spiral close enough to stop them. Little things: if using cable aaa, after they have left the screen super jump and dash towards them, at the exact moment before they reapear on screen do a fierce idle hands- works all the time. If fighting a nasty spiral just sj and coffin drop, the only thing she can do is teleport- which you can counter with a lp coffin if you time it right. Furthermore, if you see her using swords, most people stand while they throw swords- dash and grab with fierce idle hand. When fighting rush down magnetos, you need to find their pattern of rush down, then simply use spiral to cover you and jump- idle hand. In the exact manner that cable does the lk,lk,hk j-SHVB, do a quick jump and idle hands while you're 1-2mm off the ground and youll get them every time they jump. Oh yeah, can anyone list some good combos with spiral, especially with the speed up? Lastly, one side team i use is a servbot,doom,blackheart team geared at chipping, which actually works well against most teams, providing I dont end up pairing servbot with cable or such. I was wondering what the infinite combo with servbot vs sentinel was, and if anyone else used a similar team and had combos. I use a jhk/jhp, lk,lk+doom aaa, ducking hk. When they jump into doom's rocks, usually rush down chars, and I immediately call servbot's gamma assist super, the chippage is more close to 50%, and if they decide to take the hits (35% damage) then Ill follow with blackheart's armageddon, demons from his chest, or abyss. Any ideas? Posted by BlackShinobi on 08:25:2001 08:47 PM: ANAKARIS you are soooooooooo on your own If my memory serves me right there are only about 4 Anakaris users on SRK Posted by dungeon787 on 08:25:2001 08:50 PM: Anakaris Type Guard break Oh yeah, forgot to mention his guard breaks which you can do at any time in the game. The point is if you can get them to land where YOU want them, you can grab them. For instance: They come in for a rush down- you press crounching firece, but they block--- oh no you are toast, but since they blocked the fierce they are pushed back a predictable distance, so you immediately cancel into idle hands which they fall into. Also, in the air, if they come at you just hit jab, and if they block they will be pushed away, and fall right into the ditance for a fierce idle hand, or if you hit you can also just immediately use jab-idle hands. The point is when they block a hit of yours they get pushed back a certain PREDICTABLE distance, just adjust your throws accordingly, and it will work. Posted by Gilliam on 08:25:2001 09:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi ANAKARIS you are soooooooooo on your own If my memory serves me right there are only about 4 Anakaris users on SRK yep this guy is right. you betta hope the mummy is around so you can get some questions solved. Posted by rusbar on 08:25:2001 10:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi ANAKARIS you are soooooooooo on your own If my memory serves me right there are only about 4 Anakaris users on SRK hahaha, yeah, and i'm one of the regular anak users. i've never thought about his guard breaks. usually though, when i try to use his launcher as an anti-air, i never noticed they were pushed back too much. usually, when i bring out a helper, unless it's cable cuz they usually try to ahvb. also, you'll wanna learn his coffin drop distances, they work wonders agaisnt bh players. back when i used to play a lot, i could keep a few bh's grounded. they say his infinite is pretty good, but i've never used it. usually my team is anak(ground), im(anit), sent(ground). i use im's anti air to combo in his supers, i still have a hard time doing his launcher into his raging demon super. still too slow sometimes. also, if you get hit by cables anti air, the scimitar will take you out of the screen, ifyou want, you could be evil and drop coffins all day and not get hit at all since you're out of the screen. one last thing, for when you do his rushdown, do you use his pyramid drop move w/ some projectile assist? whenever i try to do that, i end up movin forward, and not diagonally at the oppenent. i prolly just need to practice that. but yeah, it's nice to see another anak player. i've used anak since the very beginning. i just wish he had his teleport from darkstalkers though. that move would've helped him get out of a lot of traps. oh well. no use in complaining. oh, and if you're feelin bold and have someone w/ a travelling assist, such as juggy's juggernaut punch or jins expansion or ground assist, use them as bait. send out the assist, then throw out his curse. most people will want to hit the assist, and while they're doing that, they won't notice that little curse flyin at them. . .then boom. . .you've got yourself a litlte worshipper. that'll only work like 2 or 3 times max per player. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 08:25:2001 11:14 PM: i use anakaris but not in a tournement he has 2 much against him! but any way when i play anakaris i usually use him as a battery for cable. i play anakaris, cable and doom/sent. anakaris should mostly use his ground game. he has some NASTY gound chains!! if u wanna use his super u can launch them then do lp,lk the snake super. anakaris can also stay in the air the scond losgest in the game. keep on dropping cofins. if u drop them fast enuff he nevers hits the ground. i do this to piss peopl off or if they got a bad anti air (psylock) anakaris is a fun character. i like him. u can also do jump df kick for the pyramid move it is a great over head move. hope i helped if u need more help just holla! Posted by LynX on 08:25:2001 11:25 PM: darkstalkers If you look at the helper combo video (#4, darkstalkers) you may find some anarkis combos ... Very nice performed by jchensor ... So maybe look at them to get the ground for a combo ? I dunno, but it's sure worth a look either way Posted by dungeon787 on 08:26:2001 01:12 AM: Combos So I am looking for some new anakaris moves thats all. All your suggestions are good, but Ive already done them. And yes, if you get hit by cable you can in fact drop coffins all day, unless they have CC, BH, or spiral. Mainly I was looking for combos geared to my team- Anakaris,Spiral, Cable. For instance, If I speed up with spiral (dont even need speed) and keep on them, using anakarises alpha helper (snake) I can juggle them- crouching lk + anakaris help, launch --> anakaris hits them out of the launch, and you can launch them again if you dash. The from the launch lp,lk,lp,lk,lp,lk,pause, roundhouse throw, land and crouching lk + anakaris, launch---> anakaris hits them out of the launch, relaunch with crouching lk....repeat. This works, and can kill. Also, the best throw off is standing fierce (snake)+ spiral helper ground type, followed immediately by a roundhouse. The roundhouse trips them from almost half a screen away, spirals arms come in and juggle them long enough for you to launch, lp,lp and snake super. I heard someone say in a reply lp,lk snake super, DONT. The lp,lp will give you all hits out of the super most of the time, the lp,lk will make you miss regularly. Posted by Silver Paladin on 08:26:2001 01:21 AM: Hey Mike, I see you've discovered To everyone else, I ask you not to help him out, especially when it comes to his evil Servbot/Doom team. He doesn't need it. However, if you have any ideas on how I can take them down using Dhalsim/Storm or Mag/Storm/Cable, feel free to tell me. =) Posted by Mutex42 on 08:26:2001 02:58 AM: I just got back from a tournament, where I used Anakaris/Storm/Doom the whole way. Of course, I only won two matches but the opposition was amazing. I can't really help you with combos and strategies on your team, because when I almost always play with Storm/Doom when I pick him, but you might want to search for an old "Rate this team" thread from about a month ago where several of us gave a number of strategies for him. I've played him a lot more since then though, so I know a lot more about him. Posted by Mutex42 on 08:26:2001 03:02 AM: Here's the link to that post by the way... Posted by BurnallFrogs on 08:26:2001 05:11 AM: Hey lynX... wheres that helper combo #4??? I wanna see some darkstalkers. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:34 PM. Show all 12 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.